Rink Auction

About Our Auction

The Community goods & services auction is a vital part of our community. It provides funding for the operation of both our rink and hall. During the past year covid has had a detrimental impact on both our buildings. We have loss income from last years auction, income from private functions, the loss of hockey games, rodeo and many other activities. In an attempt to continue in the spirit of raising funds we have created an online auction. Until we can be together in person again please help support our online auction and make it a successful one.


Thank you.

During the power outage last week, it was amazing to see how everyone pulled together and made things happen!  Warm shelter provided, meals delivered, people picked up and given rides to warm shelter and many, many other jobs!  We would like to thank everyone who helped!  Our EMO committee, Beechy Fire Dept, Beechy Ambulance, Riverbend Co-op, Beechy Hutterite Colony, Red Cross, and of course our wonderful Volunteers!  We also want to thank SaskPower for working so hard to get us back on line.  Thank you everyone!  We truly do have an awesome community!

Thank you.
Carrie Jansen, Village of Beechy